Central Financial Assistance (CFA)/ Central Government Subsidy for rooftop solar plant installed by a residential consumer under simplified procedure

Steps to Apply for Solar Rooftop

Where to Apply for Rooftop Solar Plant Subsidy?

Plant Capacity Applicable Subsidy
Up to 3 kW Rs. 14588/- per kW
Above 3 kW and up to 10 kW Rs. 14588/- per kW for first 3 kW and
thereafter Rs. 7294/- per kW
Above 10 kW Rs. 94822/- fixed

* Additional State Government Subsidy of RS. 30000/-

How To Calculate Your Subsidy
Rooftop Solar System Capacity (Lowest of total solar module capacity or solar inverter capacity/ capacity approved by DISCOM) Applicable Subsidy
2.5 kW Rs. 14588/-X 2.5 - Rs. 36,470/-
3 kW Rs. 14588/-X3 = Rs. 43,764/-
4 kW Rs. 14588/-X3+ Rs. 7294/- X 1 Rs. 51,058/-
6.5 kW Rs. 14588/- X 3+ Rs. 7294/- X 3.5 = Rs. 69,293/-
10 kW Rs. 94822/-
15 kW Rs. 94822/-
For Resident Welfare Associations (RWA) Group Housing Societies (GHS) Rs. 7294/- per kW
For common facilities up to 500 kWp @ 10 kWp per house, with the upper limit being inclusive of individual rooftop plants already installed by individual residents in that GHS/RWA at the time of installation of RTS for common activity.

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