What Is Solar ?
Solar energy is, simply, energy provided by the sun. This energy is in the
form of solar radiation, which makes the production of solar electricity
Electricity can be produced directly from photovoltaic, PV, cells.
(Photovoltaic literally means “light” and “electric.”) These cells are made
from materials which exhibit the “photovoltaic effect” i.e. when sunshine
hits the PV cell, the photons of light excite the electrons in the cell and
cause them to flow, generating electricity.
Solar energy produces electricity when it is in demand – during the day
particularly hot days when air-conditioners drive up electricity demand.
In use, solar energy produces no emissions. One megawatt hour of solar
electricity offsets about 0.75 to 1 tonne of Co2.
On Grid / Grid Tied Solar System
Solar Rooftop PV(Photo Voltaic) system using On-grid is also termed as a
Grid-tied system or Utility interactive or Grid back feeding or Grid
intertie system. In this kind of system, the Solar is connected with utility
grid ( typically the power lines).In pure on-grid solar PV system, batteries
are not connected.
Once the Solar generation starts all the generated energy tries to
compensate the existing loads. Once all the loads are satisfied excess
generation will be going to the grid. Grid by itself acts as a virtual battery
taking in all the excess energy exported. When there is a shortage(or
even when there is zero generation) in energy generation from the Solar
rooftop for all the available loads excess required energy is imported from
the grid. By end of every month based on total export and import billing
will be done. This net will be calculated with the help of a Bi-directional
meter or net meter. A net meter is a device that records the energy
supplied to the grid and the energy consumed by the consumer.
- • PV panels provide clean – green energy. During electricity generation
with PV panels there is no harmful greenhouse gas emissions thus
solar PV is environmentally friendly.
- • Solar energy is energy supplied by nature – it is thus free and abundant!
- • Solar energy can be made available almost anywhere there is sunlight.
- • Solar energy is especially appropriate for smart energy networks with
distributed power generation – DPG is indeed the next generation
power network structure!
- • Solar panels cost is currently on a fast reducing track and is expected
to continue reducing for the next years – consequently solar PV panels
has indeed a highly promising future both for economical viability and
environmental sustainability.
- • Photovoltaic panels, through photoelectric phenomenon, produce
electricity in a direct electricity generation way.
- • Operating and maintenance costs for PV panels are considered to be
low, almost negligible, compared to costs of other renewable energy
- • PV panels have no mechanically moving parts, except in cases of suntracking mechanical bases; consequently they have far less breakages
or require less maintenance than other renewable energy systems.
(e.g. wind turbines)
- • PV panels are totally silent, producing no noise at all; consequently,
they are a perfect solution for urban areas and for residential
- • Because solar energy coincides with energy needs for cooling, PV
panels can provide an effective solution to energy demand peaks –
especially in hot summer months where energy demand is high.
- • Though solar energy panels’ prices have seen a drastic reduction in the
past years, and are still falling, nonetheless, solar photovoltaic panels
are one of major renewable energy systems that are promoted
through government subsidy thus financial incentive for PV panels
make solar energy panels an attractive investment alternative.
- • Residential solar panels are easy to install on rooftops or on the.
- • Ground without any interference to residential lifestyle.
Off-Grid Standalone Solar System
An off-grid solar system is a self-sustaining energy setup that operates independently from the utility grid. It
typically consists of solar panels, batteries, charge controllers, and sometimes a backup generator. Here are some
key points about off-grid solar systems:
- • Solar panels: The solar panels are installed on rooftops or ground-mounted to capture sunlight and convert
it into electricity through the photovoltaic (PV) effect.
- • Batteries: Energy generated by the solar panels is stored in batteries to be used during times when the
sun is not shining (e.g., nighttime or cloudy days). Batteries play a crucial role in providing power when solar
generation is insufficient.
- • Charge Controllers: Charge controllers regulate the flow of electricity between the solar panels and
batteries. They help prevent overcharging or discharging of batteries, which can damage their lifespan.
- • Inverter: Off-grid systems use inverters to convert DC (direct current) electricity generated by the
solar panels and stored in batteries into AC (alternating current) electricity, which is suitable for powering
household appliances.
- • Backup Generator: Some off-grid setups may include a backup generator to provide additional power
during extended periods of low solar production or high energy demand.
- • Energy Management: Proper energy management is critical in off-grid systems. Users must carefully
monitor their energy usage to ensure they do not deplete the battery reserves.
- • Remote Locations: Off-grid solar systems are popular in remote locations where connecting to the utility
grid is impractical or expensive.
- • Energy Efficiency: Maximizing energy efficiency in an off-grid setup is essential to make the most of
the available solar resources and battery storage.
It's important to note that designing and installing an off-grid solar system requires careful planning, taking
into account factors like energy consumption, location, available sunlight, and storage capacity. Consulting with
a renewable energy professional is recommended to ensure a well-designed and efficient off-grid solar system
tailored to your specific needs.
Hybrid Solar System
A hybrid solar system, also known as a grid-tied solar system with battery storage, combines the benefits of both
grid-tied and off-grid solar systems. It allows users to generate and use solar energy while being connected to
the utility grid and incorporating battery storage for backup power. Here are some key points about hybrid solar
- • Solar panels: Like in grid-tied systems, solar panels capture sunlight and convert it into electricity
through the photovoltaic (PV) effect.
- • Grid Connection: Hybrid systems are connected to the utility grid. During times when the solar panels
produce more electricity than needed, the excess power can be fed back into the grid, earning credits or
compensation (net metering) from the utility company.
- • Battery Storage: The main differentiator of hybrid systems is the inclusion of battery storage. Excess
solar energy generated during the day is stored in batteries for later use, such as during the night or in case
of power outages.
- • Inverter: Hybrid systems use a specialized inverter that manages the flow of electricity between the
solar panels, batteries, and the grid. It can switch between grid-tied and off-grid modes as needed.
- • Energy Management: Hybrid systems rely on advanced energy management systems to intelligently decide
when to use solar power, when to store excess energy in batteries, and when to draw power from the grid.
- • Backup Power: The battery storage in a hybrid system provides backup power during grid outages,
ensuring continuous electricity supply to essential loads in the home or business.
- • Optimized Self-Consumption: Hybrid systems aim to maximize self-consumption of solar energy, meaning
that the solar power generated is used on-site rather than being exported to the grid.
- • Flexibility and Cost Savings: Hybrid systems offer flexibility and cost savings compared to off-grid
systems, as they allow users to benefit from net metering and reduce reliance on grid power while still having
backup power when needed.
As with any solar system, designing a hybrid solar system requires careful consideration of energy consumption
patterns, available sunlight, battery capacity, and other factors. Professional guidance is recommended to ensure
the system is efficiently tailored to meet your specific energy needs and requirements.
Technical Information
Solar radiation is the radiant energy emitted by the Sun in the form of
electromagnetic waves.
- • The sun emits vast amount of radiant energy.
- • The earth intercepts only a fraction of it.
- • It is essential to drive directly or indirectly all biological and physical
processes on the Earth.
- • The earth is the only planet in the solar system, which receives an
optimum amount of solar radiation that makes life sustainable on it.
- • Solar spectrum resembles to that of a black body at approximately
- • 98% of the total emitted energy lies in the spectrum ranges from
250nm to 3000nm. About half of the radiation is in the visible shortwave part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The other half is mostly
in the near-infrared part, with some in the ultraviolet part of the
- • Solar radiation having wavelength less than 0.286nm (called
ultraviolet) is absorbed by ozone layer in stratosphere. The ultraviolet
radiation not absorbed by the atmosphere is responsible for the
change of color in skin pigments.
- • The solar radiation, that traverse the atmosphere further, is
subjected to scattering, reflection and absorption by air molecules,
aerosols and clouds.
- • The radiation budget represents the balance between incoming
energy from the Sun and outgoing thermal (longwave) and reected
(shortwave) energy from the Earth. Globally, the budget is balanced.
Otherwise the temperature would rise constantly. Locally, the budget
is not balanced. Tropical areas get more than they release, while
higher latitudes of the winter hemisphere release more than they
Solar Irradiance
Solar irradiance is the power per unit area received from the Sun in the
form of electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range of the
measuring instrument. The solar irradiance integrated over time is called
solar irradiation, insolation, or solar exposure.
Components Of On Grid Rooftop Solar PV System
• Solar PV Module
• Mounting Array Structure
• Solar Power Conditioning Unit
• Solar Junction Boxes/Connectors
• Solar Cabels,Wires and other Accessories